Election 2008


    God chooses who our leaders will be. The outcome of upcoming elections, will be the result of God's invisible plan, and whatever happens, we must trust that it is for our good.

    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. - Romans 13:1

    God chooses who our leaders will be. Whether John McCain or Barack Obama wins the upcoming election, it will be the result of God's invisible plan, and whatever happens, we must trust that it is for our good.

    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

    How it is for our good we may never know, but one thing's for sure: God knows what he's doing and he will never do anything unwise.

    However, just because we know that God has it all taken care of doesn't mean that we should just sit back and do nothing. As Americans, we have the privilege of voting for our leaders. Each of us should show responsibility by doing all we can to vote in good leaders on both the local and national levels.

    Our Christian values should guide all of our decisions, including political ones. There are many principles that should shape our perspective on public policy and political leadership. As you continue to think and pray about whom you would entrust with the responsibility to lead your community, state, and nation, consider which leaders more effectively reflect your values.

    We will probably never have a candidate that reflects all of our personal values - and this includes the candidates in this election. Nevertheless, this does not absolve us from our responsibility to vote. Carefully consider each candidate in light of our Christian moral framework - and vote for the candidates that best reflect those values. And don't let the media's sound bites be your deciding factor. Research, pray and make your own well informed decision.

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