Learn about baptism and communion in this Discovery Series class.
Sunday, February 23, 2025, 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Email Event Coordinator, Anna Cotto
In this class, we will seek to understand these two ordinances in light of Scripture and from the history of the Church.
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. We live in an increasingly visually-oriented society. What people hear is often impactful, but what they both hear and then see demonstrated before their very eyes impacts them all the more. Water baptism is just such a picture.
Baptism for Young People
If your child or student is interested in being baptized, we do have a resource that you can read for more information on how to prepare young Christians for baptism and communion.
Preparing Young Christians for Baptism and Communion booklet
Sign up!
If you have difficulty signing up, please contact the church office at (630) 466-7198.