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Oct 03, 2010

Learn Humbly

Passage: Philippians 2:1-11

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:One Month to Live


Learn Humbly Philippians 2:1-11 Jesus Christ is God, yet as the God-man, He humbled Himself to put on flesh and do the will of the Father. For this to take place, Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient in all things. If we want to live a life of no-regrets we must be obedient in the following ways: 1. Attitude Humility involves: resisting selfishness regarding other as more important remembering the needs of others 2. Activity Obedience involves: understanding where the buck stops living like a servant pursuing a life of submission being willing to sacrifice 3. Arena The life of Jesus reminds us that: temptations teach us obedience troubles teach us to trust trespasses teach us to forgive others triumphs teach us to give God the glory


Learn Humbly

Philippians 2:1-11

Jesus Christ is God, yet as the God-man, He humbled Himself to put on flesh and do the will of the Father.  For this to take place, Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient in all things.  If we want to live a life of no-regrets we must be obedient in the following ways:

1.  Attitude

  • Humility involves:
    • resisting selfishness
    • regarding other as more important
    • remembering the needs of others

2.  Activity

  • Obedience involves:
    • understanding where the buck stops
    • living like a servant
    • pursuing a life of submission
    • being willing to sacrifice

3.  Arena

  • The life of Jesus reminds us that:
    • temptations teach us obedience
    • troubles teach us to trust
    • trespasses teach us to forgive others
    • triumphs teach us to give God the glory