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    Aug 18, 2019

    Love Without Limits

    Passage: Luke 10:25-37

    Preacher: David Wood

    Series:Conversations with Jesus


    In His conversation with a lawyer, Jesus erases the limits on loving our neighbors.

    1. The lawyer makes a flawed inquiry. (Luke 10:25-28)

    a. His questions tested Jesus.

    b. His questions sought justification.

    c. His questions were answered by Jewish law.

    2. Jesus illustrates genuine neighborly love. (Luke 10:29-35)

    a. Neighborly love is costly.

    b. Neighborly love is counter-cultural.

    c. Neighborly love is compassionate.

    3. Jesus commands we imitate the merciful. (Luke 10:36-37)

    a. True mercy requires action.

    b. True mercy removes prejudice.

    c. True mercy reveals obedience .