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Jun 23, 2024

A Journey from Fear to Faith

Passage: Esther 4:4-14

Preacher: Dan Hedge

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


This powerful message from Elder Dan explores the story of Esther, a tale of transformation from orphan to queen, and the spiritual journey from foolish pride to overwhelming fear to amazing faith. We're reminded that God works in mysterious ways, often placing us in positions 'for such a time as this.' Esther's story teaches us about the dangers of pride when things are going well, and the importance of turning to God in times of fear. Her courageous decision to approach the king, risking her life for her people, exemplifies the kind of faith we're called to have. The message challenges us to consider: Where in our lives might we be called to step out in faith, even when we're afraid? Are we fully surrendered to God's plan?


1.  When life is good we can fall into the trap of foolish pride.
      Are there any areas in my life where I can fall into this same trap?

2.  Esther was consumed with overwhelming fears.
      Are there any situations in my life where I feel this way?

3.  Esther responded with amazing faith by surrendering herself to God.
      Where do I need to convert my fear into faith right now?

The one thing I want to remember from today's sermon is...