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Jun 30, 2024

Elizabeth: Extraordinary Endurance

Passage: Luke

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this powerful exploration of Elizabeth's story from Pastor Tim, we're reminded that true extraordinariness comes not from worldly accomplishments, but from unwavering faith in the face of adversity. Elizabeth's devotion to God, despite years of infertility and societal judgment, serves as a beacon of hope for all of us facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Her righteousness, described as 'blameless' like Christ himself, wasn't about perfection but about continuous confession and reliance on God's mercy. We're called to emulate Elizabeth's consistency in both private and public spheres of life, maintaining our spiritual fervor even as we age. Her story teaches us that following God doesn't guarantee an easy life, but promises peace amidst difficulties. As we navigate our own struggles, may we, like Elizabeth, stay committed to God's plan, trusting in His timing and purpose.


As we examine the life of Elizabeth we see...

1.  Devotion to God.

2.  Disappointment with life.

3.  Determination to trust God.
     This allows us to...
       •  Stay committed instead of giving up.
       •  Come alongside others and encourage them.
       •  Be content playing second fiddle.