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    May 19, 2013

    Field of Dreams (part 1)

    Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:5-15

    Preacher: Travis Fleming

    Series:Finding 12


    God desires that we build His field of dreams, and for us to build that field requires us to...

    1.  Identify our role.  
              A.  Recognizing the process.
              B.  Playing our part.
              C.  Relying on God's power.
              D.  Believing in God's promise.

    2.  Fulfill our responsibility.
              A.  Having the right motivation.
              B.  Laying the proper foundation.
              C.  Delivering a full proclamation.

    3.  Pursue our reward.
         Means understanding...
              A.  Jesus has procured our salvation.
              B.  There is now no condemnation.
              C.  God commands our participation.
              D.  The authenticity of our work will be revealed at the comsummation.