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Aug 18, 2024

Lydia: Best Laid Plans

Passage: Acts 16:6-15

Preacher: John Carson

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


This message explores the extraordinary story of Lydia from Acts 16, revealing how God's plans often diverge from our own, yet lead to greater outcomes. We're reminded that spiritual renewal comes from God, not our own efforts. Lydia's conversion showcases God's sovereignty in bringing together people from different backgrounds to further His kingdom. Her immediate response to the gospel - baptism and generous hospitality - exemplifies how true faith promotes life change. This narrative challenges us to remain open to God's direction, even when it differs from our expectations, and to use our unique gifts and resources for His glory.


1.  God's plans are better than ours.
2.  God awakens spiritual renewal.
3.  God will promote life change.

Do you ever feel inadequate or incapable when you hear that God wants to use you in His grand story?

What are the things you are too easily captured by in your life that replace the awe you could have of God's bigger story?

As God works in your life and changes you to be more like His Son, where might He be calling you to be part of what He's doing in the lives of other people He has placed around you?