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Jun 02, 2013

Majoring on a Minor (Part 1)

Preacher: Travis Fleming

Series:Consider Your Ways


Haggai  is one of the Minor Prophets, but he has a major thing to say to us!  For us to interpret and apply the truths in Haggai requires us...

1.  Applying some guiding principles.
      It was written about a specific...
          A.  Time.
          B.  Temple.
      But employed a form of...
          C.   Typology.

2.  Deciphering the book's purpose for us.
      It's a call to...
          A.  The community of believers.
          B.  Check our hearts.
          C.  Change our priorities.

3.  Embracing the book's promises.
      There is a promise of...
          A.  Prosperity.
          B.  Peace.
          C.  God's presence.