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Aug 11, 2024

Mary Magdalene: Transformed by Jesus

Passage: John 20:1-18

Preacher: Kevin O'Brien

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this message, we explore the profound question of identity through the lens of Mary Magdalene's story. We're reminded that our true identity isn't found in how others perceive us or in our achievements, but in whose we are. Mary's journey from being possessed by seven demons to becoming the first witness of the resurrected Christ illustrates how our identity is transformed when we encounter Jesus. Her story teaches us that we are not our own, but belong to Christ - a truth that brings both comfort and purpose. As we grapple with questions of who we are, we're encouraged to shift our focus to whose we are, finding our identity in Christ's redemptive work.


1.  Delivered by Jesus
2.  Devoted disciple of Jesus
3.  Dispatched by Jesus