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Jan 09, 2011

That Saved a Wretch Like Me... (Part 10)

Passage: Titus 3:3-8

Preacher: Travis Fleming

Series:Setting Us Straight: A Study of Titus


John Newton wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.”  The old hymn says that it was God’s amazing grace “that saved a wretch like me.” Paul wants us to remember how God saved us.  He wants us to remember…


1.  Our problem with sin.

This problem affects our:

A.  Attitudes

B.  Appetites

C.  Actions


2.  The only person who saves.


3.  The principle regarding our status.


4.  The parts of salvation.

Paul declares 3 important parts:

A.  Rebirth

B.  Renewal

C.  Justification


5.  The prospect of sonship.

This prospect gives us hope

A.  Here on earth

B.  For eternity


6.  The pattern we are to strive for.    

This pattern involves our:

A.  Witness

B.  Walk

C.  Works