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Sep 01, 2024

When the System Fails

Passage: 3 John 1:1-15

Preacher: Ethan Wentzlaff

Series:Special Message


In this message, we're reminded of the importance of biblical hospitality and its role in the church. The letter of 3 John serves as a backdrop, highlighting the contrast between those who embrace hospitality and those who abuse power. We're called to love strangers, opening our lives to others in a way that reflects Christ's love. This challenge to show genuine hospitality isn't just about inviting people over; it's about creating a culture of contagious love and support within the church. We're encouraged to celebrate the successes of fellow believers, keeping each other accountable, and most importantly, clinging to Jesus as our ultimate truth and foundation. The message prompts us to consider: Are we truly living as 'untouchables' for Christ, standing firm in our faith despite worldly temptations?


To uphold biblical hospitality and prevent system failure, we must...

1.  Celebrate the successes.
2.  Call out the shortcomings.
3.  Cling to the Savior.