Easter Baptism

Are you ready to be baptized? How about Easter Sunday?

Add to CalendarEaster BaptismAre you ready to be baptized? How about Easter Sunday?Village Bible Church | Aurora CampusMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/Chicagotrue20/04/2025

Sunday, April 20, 2025

Village Bible Church | Aurora Campus, 1401 W Galena Blvd, Aurora, IL US 60506

Email Event Coordinator, Patti Brown

Have you been thinking about baptism but just haven't done it yet? We plan to have baptisms on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025, at all of our Easter services at the Aurora campus. We would love it if this is the day you decide to take this next step in your decision to follow Jesus. We will have a baptism class on Feb 23 for those who have not taken the class yet. If you have already taken the baptism class, please talk to your small group leader or Patti Brown, who will connect you with an elder.

Sign Up for the February 23 Baptism Class