The "Jerm" Awards (Middle School)

Can you earn your own Jerm Award?

Wednesday, May 07, 2025, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Village Bible Church | Sugar Grove Campus, 847 North State Route 47, Sugar Grove, IL US 60554

Cost: $10.00

Email Event Coordinator, Ethan Wentzlaff

Village Students is excited to announce that we are once again hosting the Jerm Awards, on Wednesday night, May 7.

You think the Emmy, Grammy, or Academy Awards are great?! They hardly hold a torch to the Jerm Awards. These are the most prestigious awards that can be won in the greater Fox Valley Area!

Middle school students will work together with their small groups to develop a game plan for their own short video that must meet the "most stringent of parameters" to qualify for the Jerm Awards. 

Dinner will be provided for all middle school students and volunteers this evening and "guests" are encouraged to wear formal attire.


Let us know you are coming!