Get Connected
Your Next Steps
Village Bible Church exists to make disciples. But, how do we go about making disciples? Simply put, we believe discipleship happens when disciples are discovered, developed, and deployed.
Small Groups
Joining a small group is the best way for you to grow and receive care at Village. Gain a deeper knowledge of God's Word. Hold others accountable to His Word. Connect more closely to others' lives. Meet each other's needs.
Social Media
Follow Village Bible Church on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, & TikTok to learn about what's happening at the Village! We post upcoming events, sermon videos & shorts, event recap pictures, and mission updates.
Plan a Visit
We'd love to have you join us for worship this Sunday at 10 AM! We're ready to serve you and your family with ministries designed for all ages. We can't wait to meet you — plan your visit today!
- Children (0-3 yrs): Our nursery team is ready to welcome your little ones and care for them during the entire service. Plan to arrive a few minutes early to check them in downstairs before worship begins.
- Children (4 yrs – 5th grade): Our Kids’ Ministry provides a lesson just for them! They’ll start in the worship service with you and be dismissed with their teacher before the sermon.
- Students (6th grade & up): We invite students to participate in the full worship service upstairs.
We have coffee and snacks available after the service, so plan to stick around for a minute and enjoy a treat on us!