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Jun 21, 2015

The Invisible War: Know Your Enemy | Part 2

Preacher: Kevin O'Brien

Series:Invisible War


1.  The devil is real
        ●  Supernatural is more than a TV show
        ●  Order in the chaos -- principalities and powers
        ●  Yesterday, today and tomorrow

2.  The devil is powerful
        ●  Of dogs and leashes -- tethered, not toothless
        ●  Death, destruction, and chaos
        ●  Naming the enemy

3.  The devil is defeated
        ●  Accuser, not executioner -- the devil in the Old Testament
        ●  Tempter and troublemakers, not king or knights -- the
            devil, demons, and Jesus
        ●  Self-defeating, not successful -- the devil and the cross

4.  The devil and you
        ●  Whose are you?
        ●  Rely on God's Word
        ●  Resist and he will flee