The Gospel of John

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk with Jesus? To experience His love and compassion? To see Him teach and to hear teaching from His own mouth? To see Him perform miracle upon miracle? To experience that last supper? To be one of the witnesses who watched Him die on the cross, but then three days later to see the resurrected Savior alive and well again? We don't have that opportunity in the here and now, but the apostle John, Jesus's closest friend, gives us a bird's-eye view into what it would have been like to walk with and talk with and experience Jesus in 3D. To experience all that was going on in that amazing time in Jerusalem.

As a church, we are going to embark on the Gospel of John, and in doing so we're gonna see three things fall into place. First, John's going to show us what it's like to meet Jesus and to experience some of those first moments with Him. Then in the middle part of that incredible gospel, we will start to know who Jesus is will know Him through His teaching. We'll know Him through His power. We'll know as He expresses His love for us. At the end of the Gospel of John comes a moment of truth and that is where we're going to learn what it means to trust Jesus as the disciples did. Taking steps of faith. Being willing to go against the flow and to do things that God would call them to do.

We want to encourage you to join us as we meet, get to know, and hopefully trust in greater measure, Jesus Christ, as we learn about Him in the Gospel of John.

The Gospel of John SERMONS


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