Stories of Life Change (2015)

We understand that when God reveals himself to people, their lives are changed. We are always amazed at the ways lives are changed when a person is introduced to Jesus. 


Hope. Without it, life seems unbearable.

For Gabe and Abby, a new marriage brought unexpected struggles. Through a friendly invitation to the church community, hope was discovered.


The Duncans knew they were missing something.

After Jesus saved them, they wanted to find a group of Christians who were living out the Gospel. At Village, they found a family. They found community.


Transformation. This world offers many ways to gain a changed life, but only God can deliver on that promise. 

Over the past year, life after life has been impacted by God's work through the willing hands and hearts of Village Bible Church. We praise God for His mercy and grace, and look forward to another year of His faithfulness, both to us as individuals, and as a church.

 Evangeline Arulanandam

We lived and grew up in the city with all the amenities and opportunities, but my Dad’s side of the family, who are all Hindus, lived in the village in mud huts.

My parents encouraged us to start our day reading God’s Word and praying. This probably made us sensitive to the things of God even though it was more ritualistic. I believe I felt my Biblical rituals were not enough…

Read Evangeline’s Story


Lisa Holzl

My life before I knew Christ was a very destructive lifestyle. 

I did everything to run the opposite direction of our Father. It was all about me. My motto in my twenties was work hard, play harder and that is exactly what I did. Eventually, the alcohol and drugs slowly started taking over. At that time in my life, I didn’t care. I just wanted to die.

I will never forget the moment God came to me. I can still picture my bedroom. It was dark outside. Not a sound could be heard. The drugs had me. I was on a three-day binge that weekend and I was lying on my bed when I heard a voice. It was gentle and firm…

Read Lisa’s Story


Paula Woods

As I look back on my life, God was always there even when I walked away from Him. Before Christ, I was self-centered, loud, grumbling and complaining. The list could go on and on. I had a Christ-sized hole in my heart.

I cried out to Him all night January 1, 1996, “Lord, if You are real, I need You to change my cold, bitter heart…”

Read Paula’s Story


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