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Jul 07, 2024

A Journey from Fear to Faith

Passage: Esther 4:4-14

Preacher: Dan Hedge

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this powerful exploration of the Book of Esther from Elder Dan, we're reminded of God's sovereignty and the importance of faith in the face of adversity. The story of Esther, an orphaned Jewish girl who becomes queen of Persia, demonstrates how God can use anyone, regardless of their background or social status, to accomplish His will. We see how Esther overcomes her fear and takes a courageous stand for her people, risking her life to approach the king uninvited. This narrative challenges us to consider: Are we ready to step out in faith when God calls us 'for such a time as this'? It also highlights the danger of pride and the importance of recognizing that our positions and blessings come from God, not our own merit. The practice of fasting and prayer is emphasized as a powerful spiritual discipline that can help us seek God's guidance in difficult times.


1.  When life is good we can fall into the trap of foolish pride.
      Are there any areas in my life where I can fall into this same trap?

2.  Esther was consumed with overwhelming fears.
      Are there any situations in my life where I feel this way?

3.  Esther responded with amazing faith by surrendering herself
     to God.
      Where do I need to convert my fear into faith right now?

The one thing I want to remember from today's sermon is...