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Jun 09, 2024

Calling Each Other To Deeper Discipleship

Passage: Philemon 1:1-7

Preacher: Chad Reeser

Series:Fixing What's Broken


This message from Pastor Chad calls us to deeper discipleship and sacrificial love, following the example of the apostle Paul's letter to Philemon. We are challenged to call each other up to greater faithfulness and commitment to Christ and His church, even when it requires restricting our own freedom or comfort. The speaker emphasizes that true biblical love is selflessly looking out for others' interests above our own. Just as Paul saw genuine faith and love in Philemon's life and exhorted him to forgive his runaway slave Onesimus, we can spur one another on to radical discipleship. The Christian life is meant to be one of abundant joy that comes through dedicating ourselves fully to Jesus and loving His people.