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Jul 28, 2024

Jesus Through the Eyes of an Outcast

Passage: John

Preacher: Kevin O'Brien

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this powerful exploration of John 4 from Pastor Kevin, we encounter the transformative story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. This divine appointment reveals Jesus' radical inclusivity and His mission to bring living water to all, regardless of social status or background. We're reminded that everyone is welcome at God's table, but coming to Jesus means being changed by Him. The Samaritan woman's journey from shame to bold evangelism demonstrates how Christ's love can heal our deepest wounds and empower us to share our testimony. As we reflect on this encounter, we're challenged to examine our own prejudices and to see the image of God in every person we meet, recognizing that there are no ordinary people in God's eyes.


1.  A divine appointment
2.  A dishonest answer
3.  A dramatic action