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Aug 18, 2024

One Way Out (NC)

Passage: Obadiah 1:1-21

Preacher: Cisco Cotto

Series:One Hit Wonders


The book of Obadiah reminds us of the destructive nature of pride and arrogance. We see how the Edomites, distant relatives of the Israelites, allowed their sense of security and superiority to lead them into cruel actions against God's people. This story serves as a powerful warning about the dangers of letting pride control our hearts. We're challenged to examine our own lives - where do we find our security? In what ways might we feel superior to others? God calls us to find our true security in Him alone and to see all people as equally valuable in His eyes. The message of Obadiah assures us that God sees injustice and will ultimately bring justice, even if we don't see it immediately in this life. We're encouraged to trust in God's sovereignty, knowing that 'the kingdom shall be the Lord's.'


1.  A prideful heart is destructive.
2.  No one can escape God's justice.
3.  God will never forget His people.
4.  We all deserve the judgment of Edom, but Jesus saves.