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Sep 15, 2024

All for One and One for All: A Church Motto

Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Firing on all Cylinders


In today's sermon, we delved into 1 Corinthians chapter 1, focusing on the theme of unity within the church. Drawing a parallel between a malfunctioning car and a church that isn't "firing on all cylinders," we explored how the Apostle Paul, like a master mechanic, diagnoses the issues within the Corinthian church. The primary problem Paul identifies is the church's tendency to mimic the surrounding culture, leading to disunity and division. Corinth, a city known for its pluralistic society and the worship of Aphrodite, had allowed cultural sins to infiltrate the church, causing it to stray from its intended purpose. Paul's letter to the Corinthians serves as a case study for us today, emphasizing the importance of maintaining unity to fulfill our mission as a church. He highlights that Jesus Himself prayed for our unity, desiring that we be one as He and the Father are one. This unity is not just about agreement on doctrine but also about being of the same mind and judgment, striving together for the same mission. We examined the specific issues causing division in Corinth, such as cliques and factions, and how these can manifest in modern churches. Paul urges us to resolve conflicts biblically and to avoid elevating leaders to pedestals, which can lead to unhealthy comparisons and divisions. Instead, we should celebrate the unique gifts of each leader and work together as a team. Ultimately, our identity in Christ and our mission to preach the gospel should be the unifying factors that guide our actions and relationships within the church. By focusing on these, we can ensure that we are a healthy, vibrant church that brings glory to God.


Being this type of church means...
1.  Unity in the church must be the default.
2.  Popularity contests among leaders can be dangerous.
3.  Identity in the right things should direct our ways.