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Jul 21, 2024

Mary and Martha: Savoring the Presence of Jesus

Passage: Luke 10:38-42

Preacher: Josh Caterer

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this powerful message from Pastor Josh, we explore the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42, uncovering profound lessons about our relationship with Jesus. We're challenged to consider whether we're truly savoring Christ's presence or merely going through the motions of service. Pastor Josh draws an intriguing parallel between experiencing Jesus and attending an intimate Rolling Stones concert, emphasizing the importance of being fully present in God's company. We're reminded that serving without savoring can lead to joylessness, judgmental attitudes, and even separation from Jesus. This message encourages us to reflect on our motivations for service and to prioritize our personal connection with Christ above all else.


Trying to serve the Lord without savoring His presence can...
1.  Steal our joy.
2.  Make us judgmental.
3.  Separate us from Jesus.