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Aug 11, 2019

Conversations with Jesus: The Insider (Plano)

Passage: John 3:1-21

Preacher: Kevin O'Brien

Series:Conversations with Jesus


Conversations with Jesus: The Insider

John 3:1-21

 I. The Set-Up for the Conversation (3:1-2)

  1. Why this Conversation John?
  2. Who is Nicodemus?
  3. What is Nicodemus Looking for?

 II. The Substance of the Conversation (3:3-15)

  1. The Central Issue: The Kingdom of God
  2. The Command: “You Must Be Born Again”
  3. The Comparison: Lifting up the Son

 III. The Significance of the Conversation (3:16-21)

  1. The Love of God
  2. Eternal Life
  3. Light and Dark