Estimated Cost: $2,400
Application Deadline: February 12
Fewer than 1% of Polish people are Evangelical Christians, which is a smaller percentage than in many Muslim countries. Most Polish people will say they are Catholic, but in reality they are confused about their standing with God. One of their greatest felt needs is to learn English. Teaching English is a way of opening the door to forming relationships and sharing the Gospel. We will be going to help our missionaries, Bruce and Linda Thomas, to run an English immersion camp for Polish families. This is an overnight camp, being held in a different location this year!
The VBC team will have primary responsibility for running a VBS-type program that includes Bible lessons and English lessons for children ages 6-11. We will also serve as conversation partners with Polish teens and adults who are trying to learn English. These conversations may provide opportunities to share about our own relationships with Christ. We may have other responsibilities as well for helping with the English camp. The camp includes a full program from Sunday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. We will attend church on Sunday and then spend Monday sightseeing. We return home on Tuesday.
Adults willing to teach Bible lessons, English lessons, games, or crafts to children or English lessons to teens or adults.
Families: Polish people are eager to interact with American children or teens. The children can participate in the VBS activities alongside the camp participants.
Participants younger than 18 must be accompanied by a parent who will also serve.
In addition to the VBS workers, the camp needs an activities director for the adults and an evangelist.
You need to be able to walk short distances and be physically able to help with camp activities.
The optional outing includes some mildly strenuous hiking.
A flight of about 11-12 hours with one stop (probably in Germany), with a destination of Warsaw, Poland. A bus/van ride from the airport to the camp location.
The camp is at a newly selected location this year. More details are forthcoming. Each family will stay together. Singles will share a room with other singles. After camp we will stay at a modern hotel.
Meals are eaten with the campers, giving you more time to build relationships. Most dietary restrictions can be accommodated. After camp, meals will be mostly at local restaurants.
Location: Warsaw is the capital of Poland, in the east-central part of the country. Climate: Poland's climate is similar to ours. According to the Thomases, "Poland is a land of paradoxes. There is a unique mix of old and new, traditional and contemporary, order and chaos, tolerance and prejudice. Polish people are group-oriented, yet individualistic; pessimistic, yet persevering, looking back while looking forward.”
Poland has a low crime rate and is considered very safe. The food and water are safe, too.
Polish people are very friendly and enjoy conversation. We are looking for individuals who enjoy talking with people, building relationships, and making new friends.
For this trip, we have special training sessions to prepare our VBS curriculum and materials, as well as to learn more about Polish culture.
Pray that God will raise up the team members He wants to go on this trip.
Pray for open hearts and for the opportunity to build the foundation for continuing relationships between the Polish people and our missionaries, the Thomases.
Pray that each of us on the team will grow in our walk with the Lord.
One of the requirements for joining a short-term mission team is being a covenant member of our church.
If you are not a member, now is the time to take that step!