Preaching Values




While preaching is only one aspect of what must be a comprehensive ministry of the Word of God at Village Bible Church, it is foundational to who we are.

We are committed to biblical preaching. The preacher’s obligation is to communicate God’s words in the power of the Holy Spirit, not to communicate his own message.

Biblical preaching relies on an expository approach. This means that the preacher’s task is to “expose” or explain the meaning of God’s Word, as it is relevant to the church using sound exegetical techniques. This conviction is grounded in VBC’s doctrinal statement, which affirms the completeness, inspiration, inerrancy and authority of God’s revelation by means of Scripture.

Both systematic exposition and topical exposition methods have their respective advantages.

Systematic exposition is helpful in:

  • Teaching the congregation how to study scripture;
  • Constraining the preacher to present God’s Word in the context and sequence in which He entrusted it to its original recipients;
  • Controlling text selection so that the preacher neither dwells on nor neglects any text;
  • Reducing the risks of “proof-texting”.

Topical exposition has the advantages of:

  • Allowing the preacher to address topics, doctrines, issues, and questions by synthesizing answers from the entire deposit of Scripture;
  • Enabling the preacher to employ dialogical preaching techniques where he poses the (presumed) contemporary questions of listeners to the ancient scripture, rather than simply translating the answers to ancient questions to a contemporary context.

Both systematic and topical expositions are useful for edifying the church. Sermons that are based on the propositions and principles of the preacher rather than the Bible is always dangerous and not appropriate for public worship in the church.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is integral to the preaching ministry. The Spirit of God has inspired the biblical authors, and today endows certain individuals with the gift of preaching. The preacher’s prayerful preparation and reliance on the Holy Spirit to empower His preaching is essential. The church acknowledges and affirms the preaching gift by calling individuals to the preaching office. The preacher has considerable freedom, under the guidance and illumination of the Holy Spirit, in matters such as text selection and systematic vs. topical approaches to his exposition.

In addition, the Elders have considerable discretion to call qualified laymen and guest preachers to fill the pulpit. Notwithstanding this freedom, the preacher is expected to collaborate with the Elders in establishing the preaching calendar and focus.

As an element of corporate worship, preaching should be edifying to the body of Christ, the Church. Preaching should address two specific goals:

  1. Teaching believers God’s Word. - (This includes information, exhortation, and application) – This teaching involves the building up and equipping of the body for worship and service. Significant emphasis must be given to concrete and relevant application in preaching.
  2. The outreach to unbelievers – proclaiming the truth of God’s redemption by calling for repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit uses preaching to communicate the Word of God in order to build up and equip the believer and to move the unbeliever to repentance and faith. Consequently, the preacher must use language understandable to both believers and unbelievers. Without taking away the ability to teach the meaning of biblical, ecclesiastical, and theological terms and concepts, the preacher should anticipate the presence of unbelievers by explaining these concepts and terms in simple language, when possible, or by omitting technical language and “Christian clichés” when appropriate.

Preaching is not the sole ministry of the Word in the church. There are many other venues by which the word is taught. Preaching allows time for extended exposition, but has the disadvantage of not being interactive. It appeals particularly to the auditory learner, but less so to other learning styles. The church should minister the Word of God in a variety of formats appropriate to the diversity of the body. As such:

  1. Preaching must be complimented by teaching in other venues (e.g. small groups, Adult Bible Fellowships and Equipping U) with the goal of bringing individuals to personal faith in Jesus Christ and growing them to full maturity with the ability to adequately understand and apply the whole Word of God. We recognize that this goal requires some coordination of preaching and teaching content.
  2. The preaching style should be targeted to the audience (e.g. different styles are already in use in Sunday morning, Youth, and Children’s worship services.)
  3. Pulpit rotation and guest preachers can accomplish additional diversity.

To faithfully present God’s Word, preaching must often communicate more than rational, propositional truth. Where God has chosen to communicate His Word poetically, emotionally, humorously or dramatically, for example, the preacher has discretion – even an obligation – to communicate not only the content but also the heart and emotion of God’s message.

In light of these values, Village Bible Church affirms preaching that is oriented toward systematic exposition supplemented by topical exposition (e.g. doctrines, biblical character studies and cultural, social, family or sin issues, etc.).

Preaching must address the needs and concerns of believers, but not to the exclusion of its evangelistic purpose. Preaching must have its greatest pursuit to be the glory of God through the faithful and passionate exaltation of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Expositional Preaching

Village Bible Church is committed to expositional preaching.

Expositional preaching at its simplest is preaching that is focused on explaining the meaning of Scripture in its historical and grammatical context. Expositional preaching involves explaining what the Bible says to a contemporary audience that is likely unfamiliar with the cultural and historical settings that the passage was written in.

The word exposition simply means “a setting forth or explanation.” So expositional preaching is the explanation of Scripture that is based upon diligent study and careful exegesis of a passage. It is the primary call of the pastor or preacher as we see in 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”

The Scriptures are the very Word of God. As God’s divinely inspired Word, the Scriptures need to be proclaimed and explained in the context in which they were written.

The goal of expositional preaching is to declare precisely what a passage of Scripture says. So the sermon outline of an expository sermon will pull its main points and sub-points directly from the text of Scripture the preacher is expounding or explaining.

While there’s no need to be dogmatic about this kind of sermon delivery, and while we think taking time for short topical sermon series or strategic “stand-alone” messages can be good and helpful, we do think it is generally wise for a pastor not just to preach expositionally, but to preach expositionally through entire books of the Bible. We endeavor to feed our flock this way. And here are eight reasons why:

1. It’s biblical.

Contrary to what some have said, expository preaching through books of the Bible has biblical precedent. The two most notable examples can be found in Nehemiah 8, where Ezra preaches through the book of the Law, “giving the sense” (v.8) as he goes, and of course in Luke 24, where “beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, Jesus interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (v.27).

2. It helps people learn their Bible.

It is a sad reality that most Christians get most of their Bible at church. We want them to spend daily time in the word, of course, but too many don’t and won’t. Preaching through books of the Bible, then, over time exposes churchgoers to the fullness of God’s counsel. This is even true for Christians who do study their Bibles but who tend to do so like their preachers tend to preach, favoring certain books or certain stories or certain devotional emphases. If a preacher will preach through whole books, he will eventually get to more “obscure” books that even some studious Christians haven’t spent much time in.

3. It spiritually stretches the preacher and deepens his understanding of God.

If a preacher will commit to preaching through entire books of the Bible, he will find himself dealing with difficult and complex passages he might otherwise have avoided. Systematically working through a book means you can’t skip the confusing parts or the scandalous parts or the “boring” parts, the study of all of which is helpful to the preacher’s own devotional life — since all Scripture is breathed out by God and useful (2 Tim. 3:16) — and consequently helpful to the congregation.

4. It puts controversial or “hot topic” issues in their proper place.

A preacher committed to preaching through books of the Bible can’t hobby-horse or camp out on one political, social, or cultural issue he feels most important. His preaching isn’t being driven by Hallmark or the headlines. Thus, he gets around to the “social issues” when the Bible does and ends up correlating his concern and energy about them to the Bible’s concern and energy about them.

5. It helps Christians see the full storyline of redemption.

The gospel announcement of Christ’s sinless life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection for the salvation of sinners is a grand plan foreshadowed and echoed throughout all of Scripture, and preaching through entire books of the Bible helps churches see the epic story God is telling about his Son from the foundation of the world. Similarly:

6. It more greatly magnifies the glory of Jesus Christ.

As my favorite children’s Bible storybook says, “Every page whispers his name.” As Jesus himself says to those disciples on the road to Emmaus, even the old covenant Scriptures are “about himself.” And as Paul says, all the promises of God find their “yes and amen” in Jesus (2 Cor. 1:20). To not preach through as many biblical texts as you can is to withhold certain aspects of Christ’s glory from your church. To preach systematically through books of the Bible – laboring faithfully in the work of Christ-centered exposition — is to show the glory of Christ in surprising, fresh, and God-designed ways.

7. It fosters congregational patience, endurance, and commitment to the word.

Hopping from one topic to the next, jumping around according to pastoral interest or current devotional mood, has some advantages to be sure, but a commitment to a book more befits the plodding needed for faithful, long-term ministry. Preachers who preach through books of the Bible logically think in more long-term ways, which is beneficial for pastoral fruitfulness. And the way preachers preach shapes their church. A pastor who commits to showing Christ week after week through book after book re-wires the short attention spans of modern congregants to the Spiritual fruit of patience, the Christian virtue of endurance, and the church’s mandate to be “people of the book.” Nothing shows a pastor’s and a congregation’s fidelity to and reliance on the word of God alone like preaching the whole counsel of the word of God alone.

8. It creates a longer pastoral and congregational legacy.

As C.S. Lewis once said, “To go with the times, is to of course go where all times go.” Or, alternatively, also from Lewis: “The more up-to-date a book is, the sooner it is out of date.” Substitute “sermon” for “book,” and I think we’re on to something here. To preach with the times is to go where all times go. Now, sermons ought to be applicable and relevant to the Christian’s daily life and the world we live in. But the great thing about the Scriptures is that they are remarkably applicable and relevant to the world we live in without our help! And while sermons fashioned toward the tyranny of the now may be of some help for some time, sermons preached from the eternal word can be of help for all time. In the long run of pastoral ministry and the life of the church, a pastor who resources his congregation with faithful, plodding biblical exposition is providing a body of work that will live much longer after his own departure. What a milestone it would be to get to the end of preaching through the entire New Testament to your church, or even, should God grant you this length of tenure, the entire Bible! Wouldn’t that be a finish line worth shooting for?


Got Questions:

Jared C. Wilson, 8 reasons to preach through books of the Bible,


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