Take a look and see what service opportunities are offered in each of our ministry areas here at the Sugar Grove campus. There is a fit for everyone and volunteers are always needed.
Guest Services Village Kids Unashamed (Students) Worship & ProductionFacility Ministry Outreach Ministry
Guest Services
Coffee Ministry
To facilitate warm social relations among VBC attendees in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
First Impressions
Welcome people as they arrive on Sunday mornings. Includes greeters, name tags, ushers, bulletins, and the Welcome Center.
Parking Team
Welcome people and help direct traffic on Sunday mornings.
Hospitality Team
Care for the needs of our people and help them feel part of a community.
Ensure a safe and secure environment at VBC.
Medical Response Team
Be available for medical needs during services.
Administrative Team
Assist the SG staff with administrative projects in the office.
If you are interested in serving in Guest Services, contact Phil Chapman.
Village Kids
Care for our precious babies during a worship service.
Have fun while teaching these little ones about Jesus.
Share God’s love with our K-5th graders as a grade level teacher or helper.
The Bridge
Join our 4th & 5th graders for a night of fun once a month.
Vacation Bible School
Have fun with the children of VBC and our community while they get to know Jesus.
Listen to verses, lead games or care for admin needs.
Mom Village
Care for children, infants through 2nd grade, twice a month on Friday morning. – Sept-May
If you are interested in serving in the Children's Ministry, contact Monica Williams.
Student Ministry
Middle School
Help a group of students walk with the Lord while navigating life as a middle school student.
High School
Make a significant impact in the lives of high school students by being a small group leader.
Provide support to the leaders as you supervise students on Wednesday nights.
Parent Booster Team
Offer up your talents, treasures, and time as you assist in making student gatherings fun and exciting.
If you are interested in serving in the Student Ministry, contact Jeremy Anderson for Middle School or Mario Arindaeng for High School.
Worship & Production
Provide quality sound during worship services.
Operate the elements on the screen including song lyrics and video messages.
Offer your God-given musical ability as an act of worship.
Joyfully lead others in song.
If you are interested in serving in Worship & Production, contact Josh Caterer.
Facility Ministry
Facility Team
Use skills and labor to allow our facility to continue to facilitate ministry.
Grounds Crew
Assist in keeping our grounds looking their best at all times.
Pit Crew
Help manage the care and maintenance of church vehicles.
If you are interested in serving in the Facility Ministry, contact Karney Dunah.
Outreach Ministry
Community Outreach
Help reach our community for Christ.
Help reach the world for Christ.
If you are interested in serving in the Outreach Ministry, contact Mario Arindaeng for Community Outreach or Dave Haas for Missions.