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Jul 28, 2024

Choose Your Own Adventure

Passage: Ruth 1:7-18

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


The Book of Ruth offers us a powerful lesson in faith and devotion during life's hardest moments. We're introduced to Naomi, who faces devastating losses, and her daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Their responses to adversity present us with a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' scenario. Do we, like Orpah, return to what's familiar when times get tough? Or do we, like Ruth, cling to God with unwavering faith? Ruth's extraordinary commitment - 'Your God will be my God' - challenges us to examine our own devotion. Are we following our instincts or our Savior? Ruth's faith surpasses even Abraham's, as she steps into the unknown without promises of blessings. Her story encourages us to transform our anxious 'what ifs' into faithful 'even ifs', trusting God completely regardless of circumstances.


We have three ways we can go:

1.  Stay defeated (Naomi).

2.  Step little by little towards a departure (Orpah).

3.  Get serious about our devotion (Ruth).
     This compels us to ask...
       •  Who am I following?
       •  What level of faith do I possess?
       •  How firm is my devotion to God and His people?