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Aug 17, 2008

Coming Soon!

Passage: Malachi 4:1-3

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Malachi: Ancient Truth for Modern Times


COMING SOON!!! Malachi 4:1-3 The day of the Lord means: 1. Judgment for the sinner (1). This judgment: * Involves a certain day in the future. * Will be characterized by God's fury. * Will involve an all-consuming fire. * Will cut down the faithless. 2. Jubilation for the saint (2-3). This coming day will be: * Glorious. * Joyous. * Victorious.



Malachi 4:1-3

The day of the Lord means:

1. Judgment for the sinner (1).

This judgment:

  • Involves a certain day in the future.
  • Will be characterized by God's fury.
  • Will involve an all-consuming fire.
  • Will cut down the faithless.

2. Jubilation for the saint (2-3).

This coming day will be:

  • Glorious.
  • Joyous.
  • Victorious.