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Aug 25, 2024

Keeping Village Healthy

Passage: 3 John 1:1-14

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:One Hit Wonders


In this exploration of 3 John, we're challenged to reflect on what makes a healthy, vibrant church. The letter contrasts two figures: Gaius, a model of Christian virtue, and Diotrephes, a cautionary tale of toxic leadership. We're called to be like Gaius - known by others, walking in truth, and serving with genuine love. This isn't just about ancient history; it's a mirror for our modern churches. Are we fostering environments where people are truly known and accountable? Are we guarding against the pitfalls of ego-driven leadership? As we navigate the challenges facing today's church, let's commit to being productive, passionate members who embody Christ's love and truth.


Keeping Village healthy means we must...

1.  Become productive and passionate church members.
2.  Beware of power-hungry, prideful pastors.
3.  Be proactive in promoting godly leaders.