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Jun 10, 2018

Noah's Faith: Built God Tough

Passage: Hebrews 11:7

Preacher: Tim Badal



We’re in a series we call “Heroes from Hebrews,” in which we’re looking at various people listed in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11. These were men and women who were no different from you and me, except that they trusted God in some challenging situations, believing He would accomplish great things.

So far, we’ve seen how God has used two flawed and finite individuals, Abel and Enoch. In the story of Abel, we learned that we are to properly worship God, bringing Him that which is of the best quality and worshipping from our hearts. Last week we learned what it means to walk with God through the life of Enoch, a righteous man who walked closely with his God.

Today we come to another inductee into the Hall of Faith. This is one of the most famous characters in the Bible, a man named Noah. We know that Noah was an upright man who walked with God, but he is specifically commended for the work he accomplished for God. This will help us understand how true and living faith needs to be worked out through tangible actions—it’s not just something that takes place in our minds or hearts.

As we read the story of how Noah built the ark, we’ll pay special attention to the faith it required him to have. First, I’ll read Hebrews 11: 7, but we’re going to spend most of our time looking at Genesis 69, which contains the fuller story of Noah’s life.

7 By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

In the early 90s, a war broke out, but it’s not the kind of war you might be thinking of. This war was not fought with troops, but with trucks. It was a war fought not with artillery, but with advertising. It was a war between the three major auto makers here in the United States:  Dodge, Chevy and Ford. It was started because for some reason Americans had fallen in love again with the pickup truck, so trucks were selling faster than any other vehicle.

So people were looking for the strongest and most reliable truck; a truck you could throw the world at and it would just keep going. The marketers of each auto firm had no problem using their competition in their commercials. What gave Ford an upper hand in this marketing fight was a slogan they thought would win. They claimed that their trucks were built “Ford tough.” Their commercials focused on showing how their trucks could do things the competition could not.

One of my favorite commercials in that season was a tug of war between a Dodge Ram and a Chevy Silverado. They had a huge chain that joined the back of these trucks. The drivers gunned their vehicles and the trucks pulled back and forth as one and then the other would gain ground. But nobody was winning.

Then a Ford truck rolls in with a big burly driver. He hooks his truck to the chain and in the next scene you see the Ford barreling down the road with the Chevy and the Dodge following behind it. As this is happening, a husky, burly voice that I covet each day breaks in and says, “You want a truck that’s built Ford tough.” Every guy in America wanted to buy that truck, not to mention they wanted a voice like that guy’s.

You see, the truck makers never talk about the air conditioning or the truck interior. They don’t talk about the navigation system or the nice radio. When they advertise for trucks, they throw tons of boulders in the back end. Then they hook a battle ship up to the truck and show the truck pulling it down the interstate. And if that’s not enough, they show said truck and said battleship and said boulders in the back of the truck climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. The point is this:  whatever you throw at this truck, it will last. It will be able to do anything you ask it to do.

As Christ-followers who have put our trust in Him, deep down inside we want to know that our faith is that tough. We want to know that when things come our way, our faith will supersede anything that challenges it. Whatever our trial or danger or fear is, whether we’re in the worst of temptations or the worst of relationships, we want to know that our faith will stand strong.

The Bible says we should be pursuing this kind of faith. We are told that God gives us the ability to have mountain-moving faith. What is more, this faith can be found in a little mustard seed. We’re told by Paul that when we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, no matter the circumstances, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37–39). That’s because when we trust in God, He does great things through us.

But the question we’re asking this morning is this:  do we have this kind of faith? Do we have the kind of faith that doesn’t wither in the storm, that doesn’t lose its power and pizzazz when trouble comes? Far too many Christians live lives of lackluster faith. They don’t have tough faith. It’s not faith that will weather the storms of life. Rather, they have only fair-weather faith, which is really no faith at all.

I was reminded of this in a conversation with a friend who has been in the hospital battling cancer. I asked Mike, “How can I be praying for you? You’re going through a really hard struggle right now.” God bless him, his response was this: “Pray that I will be faithful. Pray that I will exhibit faith.” That’s tough faith—a faith that can move mountains.

As we’ll see in Noah’s example, this kind of faith is not easy. But tough faith is what God wants us to have. It’s not a “Ford tough” faith. Rather, I’d like to call it faith that’s built “God tough.” God wants to give us, by His grace, a tough, enduring faith. The writer of Hebrews gives us this incredible example of Noah and the building of an ark. The story of Noah is near and dear to my heart. I love the character of Noah; I even named our first son after him. But before I get to Noah’s tough faith, I want to share a couple things that we might think about.

First, we need to remember that Noah holds an actual place in human history. The farther we go back before Jesus into the Old Testament times, there can be a tendency even among Christians to almost start thinking of these stories as fables. Let’s be honest. Here’s a man who is hundreds of years old, hears from God that there is going to be a flood—when it’s never rained before—and for 120 years he builds a boat that’s bigger than a football field, three stories tall, then he’s going to have all the animals come enter this ark so they can be saved. I mean, really? That’s a pretty big tale.

But we need to realize that Noah isn’t just a chief character in biblical history. Almost every ancient civilization also has stories about Noah and the flood. Egyptian history tells us of Noah and the ark. Acadian history tells us of Noah and the ark. Sumerian history tells us of Noah and the ark. The epic Babylonian story of Gilgamesh speaks of Noah and the ark. Noah is found in history, whether you believe in the Bible or not. These other histories also believed that story to be true, even though none of them knew about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Second, the story of Noah and the ark also holds a place theologically. There are themes in this story that apply to us as Christians today. First, it is a clear story of the wickedness and depravity of mankind. Noah lived in a very sinful world—and our world is the same. Although ancient peoples did not have our technology and our unique 21st-century temptations, their culture was still steeped in sin.

In addition, this story reveals the patience of God. God was extremely weary of the rebellion of His created humans, to the point where He said, “I regret that I made them” (Genesis 6: 8). Some parents have had those thoughts from time to time. Yet God waited 120 years for them to repent, during which time Noah preached to the people around him about the righteousness of God.

In addition to the depravity of man and the patience of God, this story also contains the judgment of God. God told Noah He was going to destroy the world. So, 120 years later, that reality came to pass. Yet God also shows His grace, because Noah “found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6: 8). This was before Noah had proved his trust in God by building the ark, but for some reason God was pleased with him. So too we who are sinful and who are under the judgment of God can still find favor with Him.

And last, this story gives a beautiful picture of the deliverance of God. Noah eventually got on the ark and God’s promise came true. He and his family were kept safe while the rest of the world was being judged. For us, it isn’t a wooden boat that saves us in the impending judgment. Rather, Christ Himself came, and as we cling to Him, we too will be delivered. Such an amazing story this is.

One last thing I want to share. Not only does Noah hold a place historically and theologically, but he also holds a place ecologically. Wherever you are in the political arena of environmental matters and climate change, we should grasp the reality that what God did in the days of Noah is a clear reminder to us that He loves His creation. He could have vaporized it, but He didn’t. He did wash it and made it freshly new, but He cared enough for the animals to keep them alive.

Should this evident care God had for His creation not move us as Christians to also care for our world as well? To be sure, one can take this to extremes, but God has told us how to care for plant and animal life. We need to see Noah’s story as a reminder that God has a relationship with everything He has made. Our relationship with Him is higher, but they too have significance to Him. We’re told that even the rocks can cry out in worship to Him.

But beyond Noah’s importance historically, theologically and ecologically, today our focus is on his faith and his relationship with God. I want our church to be filled with people who have a Noah-tough faith, a faith that is able to weather anything that comes against it.

It’s possible when we look at a story of this sort that we can bring to it a sort of Pollyanna perspective on what Noah’s life was like. We put him in the middle of Mayberry. Everything is perfect. The sun is always shining. There’s not a bad thing happening. Everybody loves God. So how hard was it for Noah to exhibit a tough faith? If we think this, we might think, “Well, he didn’t live in the world I live in. It wasn’t so hard for him.” But I want to show you that a tough faith engages a troubled culture

Faith built God tough engages a troubled culture.

Turn now to Genesis 6. We’ve heard what the writer of Hebrews has said about Noah, but he only gives one verse to describe a life that spanned hundreds of years, including the 120 years it took Noah to build the ark. That verse covers the total destruction of humanity and wildlife through a deluging flood—and not much more. Why is this? I believe the writer of Hebrews knew that those who would read his letter would know the rest of the story.

So we’ll go there now, beginning in Genesis 6:5.

5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Clearly this was not Mayberry. It wasn’t Leave It to Beaver. Noah did not live in a pristine world. In fact, one scholar put it this way: “Genesis 6 is the worst picture that is ever given by God regarding any generation of human history.” Noah lived in the worst of times—not the best of times. Yet in the middle of the worst of times, Noah’s faith is commended because he lived a tough faith. Why was this?

Tough faith is needed in a world of rampant sin.

Noah lived in a culture of rampant sin. Moses tells us God saw that every inclination of the thoughts of the heart of man was to do evil continually. Remember, God knows the hearts and thoughts and inclinations of everyone. When He looked down on humanity in that day, He saw that every thought of every individual was bent toward evil, not good.

That’s not a place I would want to live. Everyone was living for himself and selfish desires caused them to hurt or destroy anyone who got in their way. This was happening on a continual basis. The evil never ended. These people were practicing evil in every aspect of their lives.

We too live in a world where sin is rampant, but let’s be honest. Not every thought, not “every inclination of every heart,” is to do evil in the world. When God looks at humanity today, He is not seeing the same rampant sin. Why not? Because today there are millions of Christians who are bright and shining lights all over the world. But during Noah’s day, there was only one light—Noah himself.

I know some of you are the only Christian in your home, or the only Christian in your extended family, or the only Christian in your workplace or school. If that’s you, then you understand some of the isolation Noah felt. In these contexts, you’re the only person who believes and worships the way you do and who has the priorities you have. But still you have other Christians around you. You can come to a church filled with Christians. You’re in a small group with other Christians.

Can you imagine being the only person on earth who believes the way Noah did? He was the only one living by faith and not by sight. Noah lived in a world of sin that was darker than we can imagine. The Bible does speak of a time when the world will again be like the days of Noah—but we don’t seem to be there yet.

Tough faith is needed in a world of riotous violence.

Let’s continue reading at Genesis 6: 9: These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.” Amidst rampant sin and violence, it tells us that Noah was blameless and righteous. We might think blameless meant perfect, but we know that’s not true. The Bible assures us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3: 23). There’s no parenthesis after that saying, “Except for Noah.” The only One Who has ever walked this earth without sin was Jesus Christ. Noah was flawed and broken.

Later, after the flood, we see his weakness in a situation where he got drunk and embarrassed himself. Why would God then call him blameless? The word essentially means he was uncontaminated by the world around him, which poses a question to us:  can the same be said of us? How contaminated are we by worldly influences?

Noah found a way to live out his faith in a depraved world without allowing its rampant sin to infect him, and we’re called to live the same. God doesn’t demand that we be perfect in the same way Jesus was. He calls us to walk unstained by the evil in our world.

Continuing the story:

11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”

Twice in that paragraph we are told that the earth was filled with violence. Any time something is repeated in Scripture, that implies strong emphasis. The chief sin in Noah’s world wasn’t pride or lying or cheating. Moses instead identifies this as a culture of violence. They were clearly living in the lineage of Cain. Only about ten generations have gone by since Cain killed his brother.

You would have thought that the descendants of Cain would have learned something from his story. They should have remembered that Cain’s punishment, in his words, was “more than he could bear.” Instead of learning from their history, they followed in his steps of violence. We don’t know exactly what sort of violence this is referring to, but it really doesn’t matter. We can assume that it brought death and destruction, brother against brother, sister against sister. This was Noah’s world and it was no doubt a world that brought him fear for his safety.

Here in the western suburbs of Chicago our fear level is probably relatively low. But we live in the shadow of the most violent city in the United States, where dozens of people will be shot again this weekend. Violence is lived out every day on the streets of Chicago. So this is really closer to home than we would wish. What causes this? Our newscasts are filled with stories of violence.

I want to say pastorally—and I know I’m walking on some political eggshells here—that we live in a society where it is altogether too common to hear stories of men and women who take deadly weapons with the intent to injure or kill other people. Even our young people are now heading into their schools and mowing down their classmates.

There’s a lot that can be debated, but can we just stop and agree that we live in a world that is too violent? One of the reasons for this violence is that we celebrate it. Some of the biggest blockbuster movies are filled with violence. Our televisions are filled with violence. Our kids are playing violent video games. In fact, there’s a petition now trying to stop a video game that takes place in a school where the players gun down their own teachers and classmates. In a world that celebrates that kind of violence, we would be moronic to think that won’t be transferred into real life. But I can understand why pagans would be violent:  they have no real reason not to be. They’re their own gods and they can do whatever they want. If someone gets in their way, they’ll knock them down. But as people who have been forgiven of our sins, we have been called to love our neighbors as ourselves. Certainly, we should never be celebrating violence.

Our culture is altogether too violent. We are living as they did in the days of Noah. Noah shows us in the middle of this that it’s possible to live an upright and holy life.

Tough faith is needed in a world of religious indifference.

Finally, Noah’s world was a culture of religious indifference. We are told that Noah was a preacher of righteousness during the 120 years it took him to build the ark. After a day of hammering on the ark, he may have gone to the local watering hole, the local restaurant. As he sits there, his neighbor Joe comes up to him. “Hey, Noah, what are you doing over there? You’re working long hours—what are you making?” “I’m building an ark.” “What’s an ark?” “It’s a big boat.” “Noah, news flash—there’s no water here.”

Noah replies, “God told me it’s going to rain.” “Noah, news flash—it’s never rained before.” “Well, my God doesn’t tell lies, and my God says that judgment is coming on the earth. Because of that, I’ve been commanded to build this ark so I can save anybody who will believe and trust in God. Are you in?”

We’re told that after 120 years of this blameless and righteous man preaching the good news of God’s deliverance, guess how many people believed him? Zero. As a pastor, I find it humorous that a righteous man like Noah who preached for 120 years about the impending doom of God ended up with zero people believing him. I compare that with Jonah—who didn’t want to preach a similar message of impending judgment. He fought God, ran from God, complained to God, eventually preached an eight-word message and everybody believed him!

Some of us also have Noah-type experiences. We live out our faith, we share our faith—and nobody believes. I know you’ve been sharing the gospel with that friend for a long time, but I can promise that you haven’t done it for 120 years. Noah lived in a very difficult time.

Noah did not hide from his culture. He didn’t keep the ark “top secret.” He simply obeyed and built it. He didn’t suggest taking their children to a place where the culture wouldn’t influence them. In the face of rampant sin and the increasing difficulty of being an open believer, in our evangelical world there is a growing movement that is inclined to withdraw from the culture instead of engaging it. Some of us are thinking, “It’s time to find a cabin in Montana, never to be seen or heard from again. That way the culture won’t touch us. We’ll just have a great time with God.” But each of the men and women described in Hebrews 11 engaged their culture head-on by the grace and power of God. We need to do the same thing. God doesn’t want us to withdraw, but to engage.

Yes, engaging could bring scoffing. It could result in lost opportunities. No doubt Noah was the laughingstock of his community. When they saw him in the supermarket, they would laugh and make jokes about him. That might be our experience as well. But we need to ask how, in the middle of his difficult world, did Noah do this?

Faith built God tough exercises a daily commitment to God.

With all of the above as a backdrop, God comes into that sinful world and tells Noah His plans: “I’m going to destroy the world, so I need you to build an ark.”

We don’t have time to go through the very specific details God gave Noah regarding how the ark was to be built. It had to be built with gopher wood and sealed a certain way. It was to be built to specific dimensions:  length, width and height. Most scholars tell us it was larger than a football field—probably about as high as a football stadium. It was big boat! We are told in Genesis 6:22, “Noah did this.” After all the instructions were given, “he did all that God commanded him.”

We don’t really know how God spoke to him. In the movie Noah, he had a very vivid dream in which he heard the voice of God. But somehow Noah heard God clearly and obeyed him in every detail. In our day, we too have heard from God. How well are we doing at obeying all He has commanded us to do? I know what God said of Noah can’t be said of me. I haven’t done everything God has commanded me to do. So, I want to know how Noah got there.

This commitment is instructed by God.

First, Noah did what God told him to. God had told Noah to do something so radically different that he would be the only person who had to live that life in his culture. Noah said, “No problem. I’ll do it.” Never do we hear about any grumbling or complaining. Noah did not wish his life was like someone else’s. He just did what God called him to do.

And through His Word, God has instructed us to live very different lives from those around us. We are to love differently. We are to be wedded in different ways. We are to parent differently. We’re to care for one another differently. We’re to have different priorities than the world does. We are to be involved in different activities. We’re a very peculiar people. But unlike Noah, far too many of us—me included—complain and grumble and despise the life God has given us. Noah shows us a better way. “God, You told me to do something. I will live it out.” Noah was instructed by God and we are as well.

This commitment involves our whole being.

Noah’s daily commitment involved his whole being. In Hebrews 11:7 we are told that Noah was warned by God that the world was going to be destroyed. He was also told that his life, the lives of his family and the lives of the animals would be saved. Essentially, Noah became the new Adam to restart human history.

This information was locked into Noah’s mind. In a conversation with God, he received propositional information about what God intended to do. Noah acknowledged that he had heard this. That’s not real faith—that’s demonic faith. Even the demons have the ability to hear God—but it stops in the head. Faith comes through the choice of whether to live life in obedience to or in opposition to what has been heard. Noah’s faith moved to his heart.

Hebrews 7:11 tells us Noah heard God “in reverent fear.” He realized God was able to do exactly what He said. He knew the God Who created was a God Who could also destroy. It frightened him, because He knew God was faithful to His own word. Even if Noah was afraid of the task he had been given, he was more afraid of the God Who gave it to him.

I hope you’ve heard from God in your head and I’m trusting God is now gripping your heart. I hope that, in holy fear, you are realizing God has called you to live a certain way—and that you recognize if you’re not living that way. Out of reverent fear, we need to do what God says.

But at this point, while your faith isn’t demonic (head only), it’s dead faith (no heart obedience). People hear the Word of God, they feel the weight of it in their heart—but as James 2:14–26 tells us, that kind of faith is dead. Why is it dead? Because it’s not doing anything.

Noah’s faith is commended—not because it was faith in his head, or in his heart—but because it reached to his hands. He heard from God, he was gripped by what he heard, then he put his faith into practice. He started building a boat. He continued, not for a few days, but for 365 days times 120 years. I can’t do the math in my head, but I will say that’s a really big number. It was a long time—and Noah was faithful to the end. We know that boat didn’t leak. It didn’t sink. We know he was faithful to do his task as God had commanded him to do it.

We too hear God’s word and think, “Man, I sure need to do that.” But will it get to the rest of our bodies? Will we live, not a demonic or dead faith, but a dynamic faith. That’s a faith that moves. When God tells us to do something, we are to be gripped with reverent fear, leave the parking lot of Village Bible Church, not just with the intent to do it, but with the follow-through. That is what I pray for you every Sunday, that you would not just believe what I say, but you would do it for the glory of God and for your good.

This commitment impacts those closest to us.

We are told that through Noah’s preaching, no one came to God. But we also know that Noah’s family was saved from destruction. Somehow, he was able to convince his family that what God said was true. Noah, his wife, his three sons—Shem, Ham and Japheth—and their three wives are all saved because of Noah’s faith.

We need to realize that our faith directly impacts our families—especially our spouses and children. Just as Noah faithfully worked every day on that ark, his children grew to understand what Noah believed about God’s word. He told them, “God is a true God, a holy and righteous God. When God says something, He means it and He will accomplish it. Therefore, I’m going to obey Him.” In fact, Noah’s sons believed him enough to help him build the ark. His family helped him fill the ark. And it was his family that was saved by the ark.

It is my prayer that my three sons will also see my daily faithfulness. I’m not building an ark—Lord knows I’m terrible with woodworking. But I want them to see me building a faith-filled life that impacts them. “Dad, what are you going to do today?” “I’m going to honor God and follow His commands. Come along with me on this journey.”

You see, I’ve learned over my 42 years on this earth that God is an awesome God Who permits us to have a relationship with Him. I want to walk with God, and I want my sons to walk with me. Some of you parents need to do a far better job—I need to do a far better job—of instructing our children and those closest to us concerning the impact God has had on us and hopefully on them.

This commitment indicts a sinful world.

Hebrews 11:7 says Noah’s actions “condemned the world.” Some of my outspoken friends might say that Noah went around condemning people, just telling everyone they were going to hell. “You’re going to die! I hope you can swim.” But he didn’t do that. What indicted the world was his obedience to build that ark. It was his tangible expression of faith—that big boat—that indicted the world. At some point, the rain did start to fall. They had mocked Noah, but that mocking turned to pleading. “Let us on the boat. Please save us from this storm.” The scorning and jeering came to an end when the waters began to flow.

Here’s the most important question in this sermon, and it’s one I’ve been wrestling with for the last couple weeks as I’ve prepared this message. What ark are you building? What tangible expression of your faith in God does the world see? What tangible expression of your faith indicts the world? What are you doing in response to God’s favor that causes the world to stop and take notice. They might respond with mocking, but what are you building in your life that causes people to ask, “Why are you doing that?”

Listen, you indict the world when you leave home on a Sunday morning and head here. Do you know that your neighbors are watching? “There they go again. Why are they going to church? What a waste of time. They could mow their grass—it needs it. Their car could be washed. Why are they doing that?” Or they might ask, “Why are these people going to Africa? Why would they go to Poland? Who cares about Africa or Poland? It’s about us. Why would they go visit orphanages? Why would they build churches for people they don’t know? Why would they do that? Why would they give to God? Why would they serve God in that way?”

What is your tangible expression of your belief in God that is indicting the world? Here’s the crazy thing. You know a judgment is coming. Do you know how close we are to the life of Noah? We’re facing an impending judgment and we are to be preachers of righteousness because of that.

Faith built God tough enjoys the compassion of God.

Within this tough faith is a calling to enjoy the compassion of God. After 120 years of work on the ark, Noah saw the promise of God come to pass—he and his family were saved. Hebrews 11:7 tells us they received an inheritance. It wasn’t riches or worldly popularity. There wasn’t a world—it had been destroyed. What Noah and his family were given was a second chance, a fresh start. Because of God’s compassion, you and I have also been given a second chance for a fresh start.

Like Noah, we get to experience God’s grace.

Like Noah, you and I get to enjoy the favor of God. What this means is that we get to experience God’s grace. Just as Noah found favor in God’s eyes, you have found favor as well. God loves you and has placed His hands of grace on you. We should bask in the realization that we are part of the family of God. We aren’t destined for destruction. We are destined to spend eternity with God. Never forget that.

Like Noah, we get to exhibit our faith every day.

I know this seems like a trial—but what a great opportunity. Tomorrow morning you get to show the world that you’re in love with God. They can see that you, in concert with Him, are building something. They can see a difference in you, that you’ve been impacted by the God of the universe and are in relationship with Him. How are you going to exhibit that in the days to come?

Like Noah, we get to embrace a hope-filled promise.

Finally, like Noah, you and I get to embrace a hope-filled promise. Listen carefully. Judgment is coming. While the Lord has promised through the sign of a rainbow that He will never again destroy this world with a flood (Genesis 9:8–17), the Bible tells us there will be a day when fire will come and destroy the earth (Revelation 20). We, as followers of Christ, are reminded that we will not be subject to God’s wrath in that way. Rather, we have been promised a Deliverer. That Deliverer was not a wooden boat, but a God-Man named Jesus Christ. If you by faith will believe and cling to Jesus Christ as Noah clung to that ark, God says He will be faithful and just to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Will you be like the people in the days of Noah who scoffed and mocked? Or will you be like Noah and his family and cling to the promises of God? If so, when the storm comes, you will be found safe in the arms of God. God wants us to have a tough faith. It’s not easy. Life is a long time. But I believe when it was all said and done, Noah said, “It was worth the price.” I think when we get to eternity, we will agree.


Village Bible Church  |  847 North State Route 47, Sugar Grove, IL 60554  |  (630) 466-7198  |

All Scriptures quoted directly from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted.                                        

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