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Aug 11, 2024

One Way Out

Passage: Obadiah 1:1-21

Preacher: Cisco Cotto

Series:One Hit Wonders


The book of Obadiah teaches us about the destructive nature of pride and the certainty of God's justice. It recounts the story of Edom's betrayal of Israel during the Babylonian exile, highlighting how pride led them to rejoice in their relatives' misfortune. We're reminded that no one can escape God's justice, even if it seems delayed. This narrative challenges us to examine our own hearts for pride and false security. Are we finding our identity in worldly things rather than in God? The message emphasizes that God never forgets His people, even in their darkest moments. Just as He promised to restore Israel, He remains faithful to us today. We're called to trust in God's sovereignty, knowing that ultimately, 'the kingdom shall be the Lord's.'


1.  A prideful heart is destructive.
2.  No one can escape God's justice.
3.  God will never forget His people.
4.  We all deserve the judgment of Edom, but Jesus saves.