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Jul 07, 2024

Sarah's Faithful Journey

Passage: Hebrews 11:11

Preacher: Philip Chapman

Series:Extraordinary Women of the Bible


In this powerful message from Pastor Phil, we explore the extraordinary life of Sarah, wife of Abraham, and the profound spiritual lessons her journey offers us. Sarah's story is one of transformation, faith, and the fulfillment of God's promises against all odds. We see how she submitted to God's call, leaving behind comfort and security to follow His plan. Her struggle with doubt, fear, and the temptation to control outcomes mirrors our own challenges in trusting God. Yet, Sarah's journey from laughter of disbelief to laughter of joy at Isaac's birth reminds us that God's timing is perfect and His promises are true. Her story encourages us to acknowledge our weaknesses, embrace God's timing, and place our hope firmly in His promises, even when circumstances seem impossible.


1.  Submission to God's call
2.  Acknowledging our weakness
3.  Realistic struggles
4.  Acceptance of God's timing
5.  Hope in God's promises