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Aug 18, 2024

Truth or Consequences

Passage: 2 John 1:1-13

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:One Hit Wonders


In this exploration of 2 John, we're reminded of the critical importance of truth in our faith journey. The apostle John warns us about the dangers of false teachings, much like the Gnosticism of his time, which denied Jesus' physical incarnation. Today, we face similar challenges with relativism and individual truth claims. As believers, we must anchor ourselves in God's objective truth, found in Scripture and embodied in Christ. We're called to 'walk in truth,' saturating ourselves in God's Word and fellowshipping with other believers. This truth protects us from deception and grounds our identity in God's purpose for us. Let's commit to pursuing and practicing truth, while also remembering to share it in love.


1.  Truth is objective and can't be altered by personal feeling or popular opinion.
2.  Truth protects us from all sorts of problems.
3.  Truth must be pursued and practiced by all believers.