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Aug 04, 2024

What Are You Waiting For?

Passage: Luke 2:36-38

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Special Message


In this powerful message from Pastor Tim, we explore the extraordinary life of Anna, a prophetess who teaches us the value of waiting on God. Through her story in Luke 2:36-38, we learn that waiting isn't a waste of time, but an opportunity for spiritual growth. Anna's life reminds us that finishing well in our faith journey is more important than how we start. Despite losing her husband at a young age, she turned to God in her pain, dedicating herself to worship and prayer. Her example challenges us to commit to trusting God, even in life's hardest moments. Anna's faithfulness wasn't about fanfare, but about small, consistent steps of obedience. As we wait for God's promises, let's remember that our patience and trust will be rewarded, just as Anna's was when she finally saw the Messiah.


Waiting on God...

1.  Isn't a waste of time.
     While waiting remember...
       •  Finishing is more important than the first steps.
       •  When things fall apart, turn to God.
       •  Holiness isn't about big fanfare but small steps of faithfulness.

2.  Is worth the trouble.

3.  Allows us to be witnesses fo God's truth.