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Dec 26, 2010

At the End of the Road

Passage: Joshua 24:1-28

Preacher: Travis Fleming

Series:Special Message


As we stand at the end of a year and at the end of a decade, we need to pause and get our bearings.  We must…

1.  Remember what God has done.

      He has…

      A.  Forgiven your past

      B.  Fulfilled His promises

      C.  Been faithful in His provision


2.  Respond in gratitude.


3.  Repent of any godless practices.

      A.  Renounce created gods                      

      B.  Reject cheap substitutes                     

      C.  Refuse cultural compromise


4.  Resolve to glorify God.

      A.  Learn about grace.     

      B.  Remember the love of God.   

      C.  Live in grace.


5. Rejoice in what God is going to do!